Tuesday, January 24, 2006I am not a cowboy, I do not ride a steel horse and I'm not wanted dead or alive.
Belated happy new year! Eschewing the traditional miserable let down of hogmany, Lee and I went to Jo and Ryan's house for some drinks, Buzz! and Jenga and stayed up til 5am singing Bohemian Rhapsody and drinking Midori. It was a pretty good night for a change. New year is usually such a wash out, but this year I enjoyed myself playing with mini sparklers and yelling at the neighbours. Work has been quite busy since Christmas, and it's not been helped by my constant headache since my first day back. I decided today to go and get my eyes tested, just to rule that out, but instead of a quick read thru the alphabet, I discovered that I was badly in need of vision assistance and came away with a pair of spectacles. Me, with glasses. I ask ye. Had a trip to Manchester last week to visit a customer of ours and had the worst flight back I have ever encountered. It was pretty windy and we were on a tiny plane, and as we were coming into land, the turbulence was horrific, with the plane rocking from side to side and dipping down, etc. A woman a few rows back from us was absolutely hyseterical, screaming and sobbing. Hopefully it will never happen again! Work aside, back to fat fighters last week. I can NOT believe I only put 2 pounds on over Christmas. I ate my entire body weight in Cadburys! I was pretty pleased about that, as one might imagine. Should have been back to Japanese also this week, but headaches have been making me lie quite low. Hopefully now I have glasses (glasses!), that will improve the situation. I made it out to ABC last week with Jo for an ass-shake and then went to the casino and won £20! We basically doubled our stake, so we were pretty chuffed. A visit to the Gala casino on Sauchiehall street is certainly the most civilised way to wait for a taxi at 3am on a Saturday morning. You can pop in, play some low stakes roulette, have a free Fanta and a toasted sandwich and then pop back out at 5am to a huge queue of taxis and NO queue of people! Fabulous! A mere 48 days to go until we go to California! Can't wait! Have been reading up on things to do in San Diego etc, and generally getting excited. Of course, now when I am poring over maps for ideas, then I will be doing it four-eyed. posted by Claire @ 1/24/2006 12:53:00 pm | 0 comments | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
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