Tuesday, June 19, 2007Ever since they introduced the wheeley bins we've got loads of mice.
The economies of hatred
Pink Floyd RSS feeds that tell you there is a new post when there isn't Paedophiles Lollipop people, especially the ones who let adults with no children accompanying them cross mere feet away from a pedestrian fucking crossing the word trinket nicholas lyndhurst the term "touch base" celery That is all for now. posted by Claire @ 6/19/2007 03:52:00 pm | 3 comments | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
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1. The Syd Barret stuff was good.
2. Yes, but worse are RSS feeds that give you the same news items over and over. I'm looking at you, Pitchfork.
3. Well, quite.
4. I am not a driver, but I'm sure it's quite vexing.
5. Doesn't bother me.
6. It bothers me when people say I look like him, but that's all.
7. Fair enough.
I like that Pink Floyd came before paedophiles.
They do say "money" is the root of all evil ... arf arf