Wednesday, April 27, 2005Human Resources? They aren't human. They are pond life.If, like me, you live in the dark ages, and still have dial up, then you will know all about the joys of pouring your heart out into the little blogger window, only for your connection to drop and for you to lose the 1000 words you just typed. When you finally get a connection again, you can't be bothered to type it all again, and that is pretty much how I come to be an infrequent poster here. However, my fabulous husband informs me that he has ordered broadband and in the next couple of weeks, we will be dragged into the 21st century where our phone line is concerned. And then I will need to find some other excuse for not posting that often... Anyway, all I was saying was that the car is still stolen and is likely to be for.. well, forever more. The police couldn't get their head round the fact that it has vanished and it took 2 trips to different police stations and a call to the DVLA to finally ensure that we weren't going to be suspects in any armed robberies or anything like that, should it turn up (which it hasn't as yet, apparently). Otherwise, the weekend was filled with not a lot - Lee was off all weekend which made for a refreshing change, so we generally hung out, Lee started fixing up his car, and Lex and Tex came round on Saturday night and we had a few beers and generally hung. Sunday was more of the same and it was nice and sunny and I read the Da Vinci Code all in one go. I am sceptical as to how much of that book was factual and how much was just made up, but a good read all the same. This week is work again - no surprises that it has been the usual strain to get out of bed in the morning, especially as Lee is back shift this week, which means he is still in bed when I leave for work and I am in bed already when he comes home. It's quite busy too at work, so the boredom factor has been minimised slightly and the day passes a bit quicker. Must go home now or I will be here all night playing with my new helpdesk toy (yes, v sad)... posted by Claire @ 4/27/2005 07:07:00 pm | 0 comments | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Friday, April 22, 2005My church is very middle-class.Well... the car my dad gave me has been stolen. I've never had anything stolen before like that, so this is new on me. The car was due to be towed away and scrapped tomorrow, ironically, and Lee went down to the old flat today, where it was sitting registered off road, to make sure everything was ok, and it was gone. Just like that. So I called the police station and they said to go down there and report it and I guess then that is that and we will never see it again. Well, I hope it is as easy as that anyway. At least it is Friday and there is no work for two days. And it might even be sunny this weekend. AND Lee is not working for a change. I should be getting my veneers fitted on my teeth tomorrow at long last, after the lab fucked them up the first time with air bubbles, and then didn't have them ready in time last week. It has cost around £250 so far so I hope that they don't look horrific! We shall see tomorrow, with any luck. We are budgie sitting this weekend while Lee's mum is away in Wales for a few days. I am not the biggest fan of birds, but it is nice to have something in the house when Lee's out to keep you company (although of course I would rather it was a cute dalmatian puppy). We had thought on getting a dog or cat when we moved into the new house, but the flat is pretty small and despite having a garden, it would be unfair to leave a puppy in the house all day by itself. A cat would be ok though, as we could let it come and go when it wanted. We had thought we could look after Alex and Rebecca's cat Lucy (who adores Lee) whilst they were off in Texas in June, to give us a chance to see how we would get on, but unfortunately/fortunately, we are away in Tenerife at the same time. Off for my meeting with Glasgow's finest now : posted by Claire @ 4/22/2005 06:27:00 pm | 0 comments | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wednesday, April 13, 2005Whatever happened to Suede?The good thing about today is that I thought it was Tuesday and it is really Wednesday. The bad thing is that it is still only Wednesday and therefore still 2 days until weekend freedom. What joy does Wednesday hold? Well, so far, not a lot. Stupid customers, stupid other companies, the usual stupidness from the usual suspects. But look, I am remembering to update this 2 whole days in a row. My plan to take over the world with a variety of hand made products is going very slowly too, due to lack of motivation to be doing anything much. I am not sure what would get me going again (although I suspect that a holiday will certainly help - roll on May 31st). I did get as far as buying a pattern for my sewing machine at the weekend and this weekend coming could be the one that I finally buy some fabric and get rolling. Need to get my website sorted out too, as I have done exactly zero on that for ages - what have I been doing with my time, exactly? Not much. Buying a Gameboy Advance was a pretty bad idea for making the most of my time, as I am now addicted to The Urbz (which I have almost completed) and after purchasing it at the weekend, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. I got as far as the million pound question last night before I lost everything on some question about UFOs, of all things. Oh look, it's waaaaay past home time! How did that happen? I'm outta here... posted by Claire @ 4/13/2005 06:45:00 pm | 0 comments | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tuesday, April 12, 2005Outlook - dull with interesting patchesWell, it's been a while. Work has been duller than ever, needless to say. Although we did get news of our payrise today, which I had forgotten about, so that brightened things up for some of us today. Went to see Do Me Bad Things last Monday with Lee and Jo and Ryan and they rawked out. Every song was like the last song of the set, with the big finish and all 9 of them only just fitted onto King Tut's tiny stage. Every single tall person in Glasgow stood in front of us, so only Lee could really see what was happening properly, as the rest of us were too small to see over the heads (and top hats in one case) of the tall gits in front of us. I'm told there were plenty of costume changes, and that was just the male members of the band. What else... we saw Lex and Tex 2 weekends ago too, which was nice. We don't see our friends enough, so I am making more of an effort to stay in contact now. Kind of a delayed new year's resolution. Hopefully we will see them again this weekend. Mum came up for a week or so to go to a job interview at a posh school in Perth, which she got but then refused, boooo. Andrew and Aleks also came up for a few days last weekend, so they were all over for dinner. Saturday was a very productive day with us getting lots of little things done for the house, like buying curtains and cushions, getting paint for tiles and stuff like that. We also got a new fireplace that arrived yesterday and is looking bloody marvellous, if I do say so myself. We managed to spend a couple of thousand pounds from the comfort of our sofa the other night by buying double glazing - such a grown up thing to do. Our windows are falling apart and my cough is still lingering which is surely due to the condensation situation. Soon though we will have a warmer house and we will be a lot poorer! It still feels like ages until we go to Tenerife, but I am sure it will come around soon enough. We are trying to get tickets for Liverpool, Lee's football team of choice, in a few weeks, as Lee has never been and, well, why the hell not, and there are also gigs to look forwards to - Anthrax (Lee's choice) and Hot Snakes (my choice). posted by Claire @ 4/12/2005 07:07:00 pm | 0 comments | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
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